Immediate Support in Times of Crisis

Subsidy programs allow participants and their families to live independently in private rented units. Assisted units must meet fair market rent amounts and pass inspections. Participants pay a portion of their household income towards rent and the program pays the remainder.

Housing and Subsidy Programs at Gregory House

State Rent Subsidy Program

to address statewide housing needs, GHP established this Program in 1989 to help persons who can and wish to remain in their own homes with rent and utility payments. GHP works closely with ASOs on Kauai, Honolulu, Maui, and Hawaii Counties in administering this program. This program provides a shallow rent assistance of up to $350 per month. Currently, the program assists approximately 40 persons each month.

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Our Mission in Action

HOPWA Housing Opportunities Program

In late 1996, GHP was awarded funds by HUD through its Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. This program is currently administered through the City and County of Honolulu, Department of Community Services. GHP continues to provide HOPWA assistance to persons who are either homeless or at-risk of homelessness and who are living with HIV/AIDS in Honolulu County. During each contract year, GHP proposes to provide housing to at least 30 persons or families in the Housing Opportunities Program.

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Financial Aid When It's Needed Most

At Gregory House Programs, we believe that community involvement is key to the success of our housing and subsidy programs. Whether you're seeking assistance or looking to support our mission, get in touch with us to learn more.

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